This workshop by Wolters Kluwer aims to equip you with the knowledge of Singapore corporate tax system and recent changes that can impact your businesses. With Singapore’s tax regulations constantly evolving, it is crucial for businesses to be familiar with corporate tax requirements and stay informed of recent developments to effectively manage their tax compliance process.
Participants will have a good overview of the different aspects in the Singapore corporate tax regime. These include strengthening your understanding of basic corporate tax principles, updates to recent changes, and appreciating the importance of maintaining relevant and concise information to facilitate efficient income tax preparation.
There will also be highlights on key tax considerations and challenges that businesses may face while preparing corporate tax computations. With this, participants can gain insights on how Singapore tax compliance challenges can be better managed within their businesses.
A Highlight of Key Areas:
Singapore Corporate Taxation
- Taxation of income
- Deductibility of expenses
- Capital allowances claim
- Group relief system
- Utilisation of unabsorbed capital allowances, tax losses and donations
- Loss carry back relief system
- Tax exemption
- Corporate tax rates and rebate
- Brief update on transfer pricing requirements
Preparation of Corporate Tax Computation
- Tax computation exercise
- Q&A session