The move towards global transparency began with CRS and continues to evolve.
Eight years after the first wave CRS reporting commenced, what impact has greater transparency made on the global tax planning and tax administration landscape?
Besides CRS, certain jurisdictions have also introduced and/or modified their controlled foreign corporation (CFC) rules to combat attempts by their tax residents to shift profits and income to other low(er) tax jurisdictions.
Join STEP Singapore, with the panel of experts from Australia, Indonesia and Taiwan as they share their practical experiences and observations regarding this continued push towards greater transparency.
2.00 – 2.05pm Opening Remarks by Chairperson(s)
Ms. Guo Jiawen – Head, Family Office & Structuring Solutions, Senior Wealth Advisor, Executive Director, Bank of Singapore
2.05 – 3.05pm Speaker Presentations on CRS Developments in Australia, Indonesia & Taiwan
Mr. Dionisius Damijanto - Partner, Deloitte Touche Solutions, Indonesia
Mr. Nathan Nguyen – Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Australia
Mr. Michael Wong - Special Senior Consultant, Baker & McKenzie, Taiwan
3.05 – 3.30pm Moderated Panel Discussion and Q&A