8th IFA Asia Pacific Regional Conference

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29 April 2025, Tuesday - 30 April 2025, Wednesday

08.45AM - 05.45PM
EQ Kuala Lumpur
Equatorial Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Please refer to organiser’s webpage here.
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Programme Synopsis

As countries seek to address challenges posed by globalization, digitalization and inflationary pressures, there has been a discernible worldwide
shift towards greater cooperation and regulation in international tax matters.

IFA Malaysia welcomes you to Kuala Lumpur for the annual Asia Pacific Regional Conference, the premier forum for networking, knowledge sharing and engaging discussions on the most topical issues in international tax today.

Join IFA Malaysia and their expert panels to gain valuable insights into regional tax trends, the Pillar Two global minimum tax, transfer pricing practices, the current state of tax treaties, dispute resolutions and other key areas of focus in international tax law that have a profound impact on businesses and taxpayers in the region.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:

Tuesday, 29 April 2025
  • Tax Trends Across the Asia-Pacific Region
    - Recent developments in tax reforms and policy issues, anti-avoidance measures, transfer pricing, and landmark cases that have reshaped the tax landscape in the region.
  • The Changing Role of Tax Treaties in the New Tax Order
    - The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI), changes to the UN Model Convention, and their impact on dispute resolution and prevention of abuse measures, and global tax controversies.
  • A Sustainable Tax System
    - Tax-to-GDP ratios, revenue collection trends and their impact on state budget deficits, the effectiveness of VAT/GST as a consumption tax for managing challenges such as the shadow economy, ageing populations and economic slowdowns and implementation challenges, and addressing the preparedness of developing countries for environmental taxes and green incentives.
  • Tax Disputes - To Litigate or Not to Litigate
    - Prudence versus Principle in litigation or settlement decisions, judicial attitudes towards tax law principles, taxpayers' concerns regarding dispute resolution, and the impact of recent changes to tax treaties on treaty disputes.

Wednesday, 30 April 2025
  • Pillar Two: Global Minimum Tax
    - Overview and implementation progress in Asia-Pacific, tax administration aspects, challenges for taxpayers, impact on incentive regimes, effective dispute resolution, and the implications of a US Anti-Pillar 2 legislation.
  • Cross-Border Services – Moving Along
    - The allocation of taxing rights under tax treaties, tax administrative and compliance issues in a host country, consideration of changes to the UN Model Convention, and concerns about increasingly high income mobility including the potential impact of wealth or inheritance taxes.
  • Transfer Pricing Conundrum – Has the Gordian Knot Gotten Tighter?
    - Impact of Pillar One (Amount B) and Pillar Two on transfer pricing, and assessment of current practices to ensure compliance and minimize risks in a more rigorous and transparent environment.
  • The Tax Director’s Herculean Tasks
    - Challenges faced by in-house tax teams from new and complex taxes, evolving reporting and compliance requirements and talent shortages, enhanced taxpayer relationships, improved Corporate Governance Frameworks, and increased expectations for external advisors.

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