Mastering Transfer Pricing: Risk Management and Strategic Solutions

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28 May 2025, Wednesday

09.00AM - 12.30PM
Live Webinar in or outside of Singapore

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Programme Synopsis

Due to increased tax authority scrutiny around the world, transfer pricing has become one of the riskiest areas for multinational corporations from both a compliance and tax planning perspective. Amazon, AOL, Adobe, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and other multinationals have all made headlines in recent years because of transfer-pricing disputes over potential adjustments to income ranging from tens of millions to upward of a billion dollars. However, if you think transfer pricing affects only big companies, think again. Size is immaterial. The only condition that triggers transfer pricing is the existence of multiple facilities in more than one taxing jurisdiction.

This seminar by ISCA discusses how companies can develop a clearly defined process to manage and mitigate their transfer pricing risks.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:
  • Introduction to transfer pricing and related party transactions
  • Building a transfer pricing framework
  • The transfer pricing life cycle: planning, compliance, and monitoring
  • Transfer pricing risk assessment and strategies for mitigating risks
  • Using Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs) and Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAPs) for dispute resolution

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Ms Elis Tan
Executive Director, Transfer Pricing
BDO Singapore
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Elis has more than 20 years of tax transfer pricing experience. Currently, she is the Executive Director heading the dedicated transfer pricing team at BDO Tax Advisory Pte Ltd.

Elis started her career with a Big 4 firm where she provided transfer pricing services to a diverse portfolio of clients in the industrial, consumer manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, banking, and asset management sectors. From 2006 to 2009, Elis was based in Shanghai, helping China-based multinational clients manage their transfer pricing risks. Elis also spent more than 3 years as Head of Transfer Pricing, Asia-Pacific region, at one of the largest multinational insurance groups based in the United States.

Elis has extensive experience in handling all aspects of transfer pricing including documentation compliance, planning and controversy management. Her work includes transfer pricing risk assessment, audit defence, tax effective value chain management in relation to the use of regional principals, application and negotiation of tax incentives and working with customs and tax colleagues for overall tax optimisation. She also has experience negotiating advanced pricing arrangements (APAs) with tax authorities in Singapore, China and Japan.


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