Mastering the Basic & Intermediate Concepts of GST - 226th Run
29 April 2025, Tuesday
Carlton Hotel76 Bras Basah Road
Singapore 189558
Details/ Promotion:
Please click here for more details and to register. Accredited tax professionals enjoy subscribers' rate (ie 10% discount)!
Please refer to the organiser's webpage here.
Programme Synopsis
TAKX Solutions's flagship Mastering the Basic & Intermediate Concepts of GST workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and understanding to effectively apply the concepts of GST into their area of work - including GST treatment for international services, exports, disbursement vs reimbursement, gifts/ benefits-in-kind for staff and business associates and more - that will enable you to complete the GST F5 return correctly and accurately, and avoid costly penalties. It is also ideal for current finance/accounting staff as a refresher and an ideal platform to clarify their doubts.
Programme Outline
A Highlight of Key Areas:Basic Concepts
- Overview of GST
- Types of Supply
- Output Tax vs Input Tax
- Tax Invoice, Simplified Tax Invoices & Receipts
- Credit Notes & Debit Notes
- Claiming of Input Tax
- Disallowed Input Tax Claims
- Imports
- Correcting Mistakes in Import Declaration
- Record-Keeping
- Completing the GST F5
Intermediate Concepts
- Foreign Currency Invoice
- Bad Debt Relief
- Fringe Benefits - Update on Closed Nexus Test
- Gifts
- Ownership of Goods
- Exports
- International Services
- Reimbursements vs. Disbursements
- Entertainment Expenses
- Sponsorships
- Discounts & Rebates
About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)
Mr Andre Lim
TAKX Solutions
Accredited Tax Practitioner (GST)
A former Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Senior Tax Officer backed by 6 years of hands-on experience in managing and solving difficult tax returns, Andre Lim has more than a decade of public speaking experience. The Accredited Tax Practitioner has conducted more than 200 seminars and GST training classes with many organisations, including:
- Singapore Business Federation (SBF)
- Dun & Bradstreet (D&B)
- Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
- YYC GST Consultants Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
- CCH Malaysia
- Aventis Learning Group
TAKX Solutions has conducted more than 100 GST workshops since our inception, including "Mastering the Basic & Intermediate Concepts of GST" workshops, "Understanding Malaysia GST" workshops, workshops on GST rate change and several in-house GST workshops, training over 7,000 participants including business owners, senior management, finance/accounting staff and other professionals from over 3,500 organisations on how to appropriately handle GST in their area of work.
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