Taxation of Digital Tokens in Singapore

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03 November 2021, Wednesday

02.00 - 04.00PM
60 Cecil Street
ISCA House
Singapore 049709

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Programme Synopsis

  • To gain an enhanced understanding of the range of tax issues that may arise when dealing with digital tokens. 
  • To highlight certain areas where the tax treatment of digital tokens may deviate from general tax principles. 

Programme Outline

The taxation of digital tokens is a complex area that can be difficult to navigate. This programme will begin by introducing digital tokens and how they may be classified. It will explain that while the tax treatment of digital tokens depends on the surrounding facts, there are certain patterns in how they are taxed. 
Thereafter, the programme will deal with the common tax events involving digital tokens, ranging from creation, to transfer and disposal. Through the use of key examples, the speakers/facilitators will highlight areas where the tax treatment of digital tokens may deviate from general tax principles. 

In particular, the highly topical issue of the tax treatment of gains arising from the disposal of cryptocurrency will be discussed. 

On the completion of this course, you will: 
  • Be familiar with the three main categories of digital tokens: payment, utility and security tokens, and their main characteristics;
  • Understand how orthodox tax principles will apply to transactions involving digital tokens; 
  • Know about the common tax events that may occur throughout the “life-cycle” of digital tokens, ranging from: creation, to transfer, and disposal;
  • Be aware of the key areas where the tax treatment of digital tokens may deviate from general tax principles; and
  • Achieve a better understanding on the tax treatment of the disposal of cryptocurrency gains

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