SCTP: Unboxing Vietnam Customs

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Recommended: Understand the customs regime and planning opportunities 
24 August 2022, Wednesday

Closing date: 17 August 2022, Wednesday, or when spaces are filled

10.00AM - 12.00PM

Tech check from 9.45am. Webinar starts at 9am Vietnam time.

Online Classroom

CPE Hours (Income Tax):

0.5 hour(s)

CPE Hours (GST):

1.5 hour(s)

Contact Nabila (+(65) 6360 5969), Anna (+(65) 6360 5979) or
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Programme Synopsis

According to the World Bank, Vietnam’s GDP growth is expected to rise to 5.5% from 2.6% in the year just ended. It is certainly on its way to retain its pole position as ASEAN's fastest growing economy. Layer this on top of ongoing shipping and logistics woes and one can only imagine the challenges but more importantly, the opportunities there are to seize and corner the market!

Join in this upcoming webinar facilitated by the Ernst & Young team from Vietnam as Mr Thuan Cong Phan, Tax Director and Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax) Mr Wesley Chua, Tax Manager talks about customs regime and planning opportunities in Vietnam! 

Join the Q&A session at the end to take advantage of this great opportunity to get some professional insights, whether you (or your client) already have a presence in Vietnam or thinking of expanding into Vietnam.

Programme Outline

  • Look at Vietnam’s post-Covid macro-environment & key figures 
  • Understand the customs duty incentives in Vietnam:
    - Duty exemption for tolling & contract manufacturing
    - Export Processing Enterprise status
    - Importation of machine and equipment for incentive projects
  • Know the customs audit environment:
    - Peer into common customs audit issues during and post customs clearance
    - Comprehend the legal framework handling customs audit
  • Recognise the considerations regarding setting up a Regional Delivery Centre in Vietnam
  • Grasp Vietnam Certificate of Origin procedures and the labelling for exported goods
  • Be aware of the customs audit impact on the domestic VAT position

About the Facilitator(s)

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Mr Thuan Cong Phan
Director of Tax
EY Consulting Vietnam

Thuan is a Tax Director at Ernst & Young, Vietnam. He has over 10 years of experience in tax, customs and regulatory consulting. Thuan specialises in Customs & Global Trade Planning and Audit Support, Global Expansion Advisory, Indirect Tax Compliance and Analysis, Tax Policies Advisory, Dispute & Controversy Resolution.

Thuan specialises in providing tax and customs advice for various business purposes (E.g. corporate restructuring, compliance review, new supply chain model, etc.). He has experience in providing hands-on support to clients in tax and customs audits. His industry focuses are electronic manufacturing, transportation and consumer goods.

Thuan has a Bachelor of Economics from Foreign Trade University, Vietnam and a Bachelor of Law from HCMC University of Law, Vietnam.

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Mr Wesley Chua
Senior Manager of International Tax and Transaction Services (ITTS)
EY Consulting Vietnam
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Wesley is a Tax Senior Manager with almost 15 years of experience in assisting clients on tax and transfer pricing matters. He has worked in a variety of projects including international tax planning & restructuring, supply chain restructuring, operating effectiveness strategies, treasury management including entity capitalisation and debt protocols in various jurisdiction, global transfer pricing documentation, tax & transfer pricing audits and work involving multiple tax authorities such as Mutual Agreement Procedure and Advance Pricing Agreement.

Before relocating to Vietnam, Wesley was working in Singapore and specialised in advising clients from an international perspective across various sectors. Wesley is an Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax) with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals, Chartered Accountant (Singapore) with Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and is an active ASEAN CPA holder. He is equally proficient in both English and Mandarin.

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