Navigating the Amendments to the Singapore’s GST Law for the Public Sector

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08 September 2025, Monday

09.00AM - 05.00PM
ISCA House 
60 Cecil Street
Singapore 049709

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Programme Synopsis

This course by ISCA aims to provide guiding principles and applications in establishing the right stream of receipts that are subject to GST and their respective implications on input tax in light of the amendments to Singapore’s GST Law.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:
  • The Government’s Policy Intent for GST
  • Application of Business Activities in the Context of Public Sector
  • Classification of Receipts
    - Regulatory fees
    - Grants
    - Service fees
    - Donations and sponsorship
    - Incentives
    - Receipts from employees
  • Impact to Input Tax
  • Application of Reverse Charge
  • List of Non-Taxable Regulatory Fees
  • Discussion of Recent Case Studies

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Mrs Eng Li Ming
Accredited Tax Advisor (GST)

Ms. Tan Li Ming (Mrs. Eng) is an Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) of The Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP). She has extensive taxation experience in Singapore and foreign tax authorities, particularly in the Goods & Services Tax (GST, also known as VAT in some countries). She was in the pioneer team, which in 1994 implemented the new tax regime, the Goods & Services Tax, for Singapore. After the smooth implementation of GST, Li Ming oversaw the various GST administrations, such as initiating and implementing GST policy changes and resolving complex technical issues in the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). These are reflected in resolving technical issues, dealing with GST rulings, initiating, and implementing GST policy changes for the various sectors, including the public sector, manufacturing, real estate, telecommunications, logistics, and the financial industries. She spearheaded and implemented two key compliance programmes, to promote voluntary GST compliance - Assisted Self-help Kit (ASK) and Assisted Compliance Assurance Programme (ACAP). 

Li Ming now provides GST advisory and consultancy services to foreign tax administrations in their tax reforms, to implement a VAT or develop an IT system to re-engineer their business processes (not limited to VAT/GST).  Past clients include Local Tax Offices in China; Ministry of Finance, Brunei; Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), Maldives; Royal Malaysian Customs Department, Malaysia; Ministry of Finance, Seychelles; the Oman Customs, Oman; Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning, Equatorial Guinea; the state government of Karnataka, India; some African countries and Saudi Arabia. She also conducts lectures and customized GST workshops, providing GST Advisory Services and GST Compliance Assurance Reviews for GST-registered businesses. Currently, she is the writer of the Singapore Chapter of “VAT Worldwide,” published by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) and member of the Curriculum and Examination Development Committee of Tax Academy, Singapore.


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