2024 Transfer Pricing Updates and the Singapore Transfer Pricing Guidelines (7th Edition) Highlights

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24 September 2024, Tuesday

09.00AM - 04.00PM
Hotel Venue to be Advised

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Programme Synopsis

In Asia, many countries have long-standing Transfer Pricing rules and compliance obligations for related party transactions and are enforcing them increasingly strictly to protect their tax base. As the new Transfer Pricing guidance is issued, the TP landscape becomes even more complex (with differing rules and thresholds) and the compliance burden more onerous.

It is therefore important for Tax, TP and Finance Managers to stay up to date on the TP rules and their compliance obligations across multiple countries – and to limit the unplanned consequences (audits, TP adjustments and penalties).

How best to stay abreast of the important changes?

This timely workshop by Wolters Kluwer focuses on helping practitioners to understand the latest transfer pricing rules (illustrated through practical application to several case studies), including consideration of compliance management and potential operational TP synergies. With reference to several South-East Asia countries, it covers the following:

  • A 2024 update of transfer pricing rules and compliance obligations – and their practical application and impacts as illustrated by case studies:
    - An overview of TP rules and compliance requirements for the considered jurisdictions;
    - Through case studies, consider the application of the TP rules, compliance requirements (TPD and disclosures) and possible operational TP synergies;
    - An update on recent audit, MAP and APA trends and topics in the considered jurisdictions
  • An overview of the Singapore TP Guidelines (7th edition) highlights (including a comparison to the recently updated Malaysia and Indonesia TP Guidelines)

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:

  • Overview of, for several South-East Asia jurisdictions:
    - TP legislation/rules; and
    - Compliance requirements (TP Documentation & disclosures)
  • Case studies 1-3:
    - Review of the applicable TP rules and impacts, compliance requirements and operational TP synergies
    - Conclusions and learning points
  • An overview of TP audit trends
    - Recent audit, MAP and APA trends and topics in the considered jurisdictions.
  • Overview of Singapore Transfer Pricing Guidelines 7th Edition (with comparison to Malaysia and Indonesia recent TPG updates)

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Ms Christine Schwarzl

Christine is an experienced transfer pricing and international tax advisor, who has worked for over 25 years in business, including over 20 years in Asia. Her experience includes 7 years working with “big four” firms in Singapore and China.

With her experience in tax structuring and planning (including feasibility studies and risk reviews), transfer pricing, advisory and operational TP work, Christine has provided TP and International Tax advice for clients throughout Asia Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand, throughout South-East Asia countries, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Japan.

Christine has a Masters in Tax from Sydney University, and is a Member of the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals and UK Chartered Institute of Tax. She has authored various papers and regularly provides transfer pricing training and presentations to tax and transfer pricing practitioners in Asia.

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