Fundamentals of Corporate Tax Planning: Understanding the Intricacies and Key Considerations of Efficient and Effective Tax Planning (Classroom)

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11 June 2025, Wednesday

09.00AM - 05.00PM
ISCA House
60 Cecil Street
Singapore 049709

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Programme Synopsis

The importance of tax planning and optimizing tax saving cannot be emphasized enough.  One of the primary reasons for tax planning is to minimize tax liabilities legally. It also helps to ensure compliance with tax laws and optimize investments and financing decisions. Failure to adopt and implement the right tax strategies and good tax planning could result in higher tax costs and reduce profits to business owners and shareholders.   

This one-day interactive workshop by ISCA aims to provide participants with a good understanding and insight knowledge of the intricacies and key considerations of efficient and effective corporate tax planning. Participants will learn what are the crucial issues and important factors to consider when doing business and making investments or financing decisions. This workshop will also provide participants with the common techniques and pointers on how to analyze investment structure and financing transactions in order to minimize tax costs.

Illustrated with case and practical examples, participants will gain an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the key concepts and principles relevant to tax planning and the critical issues that should be taken into consideration when deliberating on making investments and financing decisions.

Programme Outline

A Highlight of Key Areas:
  • Introduction – What is tax planning
  • Understanding Singapore income taxation - taxability and deductibility rules
  • Differences between tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion
  • Tax Avoidance – relevant key principles of general anti-avoidance provisions (Sections 33 & 33A)
  • Tax Planning - essentials of good tax planning
  • Taxation aspects of different business entities: sole proprietorship, partnership/limited liability partnership, private limited company, branch, representative office, etc.
  • Key factors and considerations in determining your corporate or investment structure
  • Planning your financing structure from a tax perspective
  • Critical tax issues and considerations relating to mergers and acquisitions: share deal vs asset deal, tax due diligence and other key considerations
  • Common pitfalls to avoid in tax planning
  • Questions and Answer session

About the Presenter(s)/ Trainer(s)

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Mr Kenny Lim
Fellow CA (Singapore), MSID, MBA, BAcc
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax and GST)

Kenny Lim began his tax career with the Singapore Income Tax Department (now known as the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) and has more than 33 years of experience in the tax, financial services and investment banking industry. He specializes in corporate/individual income tax and goods & services tax consulting and advisory.  

Kenny has a wealth of experience in regional and cross border transactions that encompass mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, tax optimization and value protection, tax efficient financing, tax planning and regional taxation. In addition, he has many years of experience in dealing with the tax authorities in the Asia Pacific region.

Kenny is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, an Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax and GST) of the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (formerly known as the Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax Professionals) and a Full Member of the Singapore Institute of Directors. He sits on board as Independent Director of a number of companies listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).

Kenny holds a Bachelor Degree in Accountancy and a MBA Degree from the National University of Singapore.


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