SCTP: Tuning In to Transfer Pricing

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Recommended: Tune up on your Transfer Pricing knowledge with the latest TP guidelines
22 October 2021, Friday

Closing date: 15 October 2021, Friday or when spaces are filled

09.30AM - 12.00PM

Tech check from 9.15am

Online Classroom

CPE Hours (Income Tax):

2.5 hour(s)

CPE Hours (GST):

0 hour(s)

$35 (SCTP/ISCA Member); $45 (Association Member); $65 (Non-Member)
Contact Nabila (+(65) 6360 5969), Rowan (+(65) 6360 5979), or
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Programme Synopsis

Transfer pricing (TP) risks and controversy have been rising on the agenda for practitioners and multinationals, not to mention the complexities the pandemic has brought. While dispute resolution mechanisms such as Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) and Advance Pricing Arrangements (APA) have grown in efficiency, it is nonetheless critical for tax professionals to keep a pulse on TP to navigate confidently ahead.

In view of that, the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals is partnering with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to bring you a live webinar on this hot topic. Listen directly to the perspectives of the tax authority as they bring you through the updates to the latest edition of the IRAS TP Guidelines, the recent TP Guidelines (Special topic) e-Tax guide on Centralised Activities in Multinational Enterprise Groups and TP implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Come join us in this upcoming session covering not one but two e-Tax guides to heighten your TP knowledge and be up to speed on IRAS’ guidelines in these areas. Do seize the opportunity to have your queries answered and doubts dispelled during the Q&A segment at the end too.

Programme Outline

  • Gain a deeper understanding on the updates to the TP Guidelines (6th edition), which includes remission of TP surcharge, APA applications, financial transactions, cost contribution arrangements, etc.
  • Delve into the functions and value contributions of a Singapore headquarters and the TP analysis of such activities.
  • Walk away equipped with the knowledge on TP implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

About the Facilitator(s)

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Ms Lou Wai Ling
Principal Tax Specialist –Transfer Pricing and Dispute Resolution Branch
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Wai Ling formulates transfer pricing policy and conducts Advance Pricing Arrangement and Mutual Agreement Procedures negotiation with foreign tax authorities.

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Ms Julia Chew
Deputy Director, Corporate Tax Division – Transfer Pricing & Tax Shelter Team
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Julia manages the team in conducting transfer pricing audit of companies.

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Ms Leong Jing Yi
Tax Specialist, Corporate Tax Division – Transfer Pricing & Tax Shelter Team
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Jing Yi conducts transfer pricing audit of companies.

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Ms Linda Cheng
Senior Manager, Corporate Tax Division – Transfer Pricing & Tax Shelter Team
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax)

Linda manages the team in conducting transfer pricing audit of companies.

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